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Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Season2 | Episode5

IN: Those Who Have the Motive; INDUCTANCE

During a visit to the Dejima Refugee Residential District off the coast of Nagasaki, Prime Minister Kayabuki receives a bouquet of flowers that is accompanied by an envelope stamped with the diamond seal seen in “NATURAL ENEMY”. The envelope contains a letter that promises an attempt to take the Prime Minister’s life.

At a meeting of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet, Aramaki is shown the letter and told that so far the stamp on the envelope has turned up in eight other terrorist incidents. The Cabinet calls for Section 9’s assistance. However, much to the unit members’ chagrin, Section 9 will not be deployed in an offensive role.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Season2 – Episode5
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Season2 – Episode5
Mar. 06, 2004